93. Movie night.

Running tip #93

Counting down the days to 101 (I will not make it to 365, having set a challenge too big for my britches), I must hurry and scribble down a few loose-ended lists … like favorite races, and favorite books, and today’s post:  my favorite running movies.  I already told you about Saint Ralph, and recently I saw the Disney movie of McFarland’s cross-country team (annoyingly void of ANY strong female characters or, duh?!?, female runners … though it did have a classic Disney “princess” in a literal tiara smiling up at her daddy-prince).

Screen Shot 2015-04-03 at 8.33.41 AM  But, I digress …

Here is my top-ten list of favorite “running” movies:

1.) National Velvet – Elizabeth Taylor and the Pie (a horse) inspire steeplechasers the world over.  Strong female lead!!

2.)  Children of Heaven – a subtitled, Iranian gem you will never forget.  Pure running delight.

3.) Chariots of Fire – the music alone makes this a must-see.  And, oh!, the scene with the Champagne and hurdles …

4.) Running Brave – who doesn’t love a Robby Benson movie?  Billy Mills’ 10k race is truly the grand finale. Thrilling, still, after all these years.

5.) The Triplets of Belleville – an animated masterpiece lifting the veil on cycling intensity insanity.  Runners can relate.

6.) The Long Green Line – the true story of a storied cross-country dynasty (I would  have put it higher on my list except, AGAIN, no girls in the movie at all).  Love the clever documentary stylistic tricks.

7.) Endurance – Haile Gebrselassie’s almost-true story (they left out the EPO bits).   The radio moment …

8.) Karate Kid – not literally about running, but all athletes must learn the lesson of “Wax on/Wax off.”  And, I had a crush on Ralph Macchio when I was a kid.  Wrote him a fan letter.  He never replied.

9.) Rocky – another non-running movie … but when he sprints to the top of the steps at The Philadelphia Museum of Art?  You know – running chills forever.

10.)  A League of Their Own –  I only added this because I often allude to Tom Hanks’ famous line when I tell my team, “There’s no crying in cross-country!”  (several strong female characters, including Madonna).



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One Response to 93. Movie night.

  1. Laura

    Thought for sure Breaking Away might have made the list
    Though a bike racing movie

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